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The Clinical Inquiry Process Resource Guide

The goal of this guide is to provide nurses a resource to understand and carryout the steps of performing an evidence-based practice (EBP) project.

Implementing the Practice Change

The evidence has been compiled and a plan for implementation has been made.  It is now time to implement the change, at least on a trial basis.  How this take place is largely unit and project dependent.  Regardless of how it is rolled out, monitoring the project is going to be key.  One way to think about initial implementation is by thinking of it is in the framework of a quality improvement project the model of plan, do, study, act.


  • Completed through the development of an action/project management plan. 
  • Gather pre-intervention data


  • Put the plan into action and implement the change on a pilot basis. 


  • Gather the post-intervention data and evaluate the success of the practice change



  • If the practice change is successful in the pilot, must plan to make it a permanent change. 
  • If practice change was unsuccessful, discuss lessons learned and determine what adjustments could be made in order to make a change to change practice. 
  • Disseminate results of the project both inside and outside of the organization. 



Steps for Implementing or Putting Change into Action

1. Develop a protocol that outlines the plan of how the intervention will be carried out on the unit

  • Be sure that when this is put together that the purpose is clear and the evidence supporting the practice change is cited.  This is important for buy in and to enable for those who are curious to be able to refer to the publications. 

2. Develop a training plan and develop the educational/plan materials

  • The purpose of these materials is to enable all on the unit or the practice environment to uniformly implement the practice change. 

3. Implement a Training Program

  • Be sure that you provide some training to those who are tasked to carry out the practice change.  This along with the educational/plan materials will make sure that the change is implemented uniformly. 

4. Start Pilot of Practice Change 

  • The length of time for the pilot will be something that is determined by the team.  This will largely be determined by the complexity of the change being undertaken.  


Cvach , M. "Chapter 8: Selecting Pathway to Translation." Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Implementation and Translation. Ed. Stephanie Poe and Kathleen M. White. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International, 2010.

Poe, S. and Dawson, P.B. "Chapter 6: Managing the EBP Project." Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Implementation and Translation. Ed. Stephanie Poe and Kathleen M. White. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International, 2010.