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ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research)

Survey Documentation and Analysis (SDA)

SDA is an online data analysis tool created by the University of California, Berkeley and offered through ICPSR on some studies available for download.   Learn how to access SDA-enabled data, subsets, codebooks, and anayze data without SAS, SPSS, or Stata.

Recoding Data

This is a step-by-step instruction on how to create and recode variables using the online data analysis tool, SDA.

Using SDA for Crosstabs and Frequencies

This click-by-click tour presents the practical application of SDA's features, using a specific ICPSR dataset to demonstrate how to conduct analyses on the data, as well as how to use other features like new variables creation, subsetting, and downloading data.

Use SDA to Subset Data

This tutorial demonstrates how to use SDA to subset data in the ICPSR archive.