Are you studying for a language exam (TOEFL or IELTS) or university admissions test (SAT or GRE)? Choose your test from the menu on the left for free resources which will help you study.
Study Skills & Time Management
Cabell Library has a collection of study skills and time management books. They are located on the first floor to the right as you move out of the lobby toward the work spaces, near the accessibility station (pictured). The books in these collections may be checked out for 28 days.
A comprehensive math review using simple explanations, skill-building exercises, detailed answer keys, and test-taking techniques. In-depth math review explained in easy-to-understand English.
Tips for concentrating when you study, organizing your time, increasing your reading speed, improving your memory, taking notes, participating in class discussions, writing papers and essays, and using advisors and counselors.
Advice on controlling paperwork; organizing your emails; getting and staying organized. This guide will help you minimize time-wasting and interruptions, and focus on the priority tasks that will lead to success.