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Advance Your Research

Advance Your Research (AYR) is a series of webinars and workshops geared towards graduate students and other advanced researchers that are designed to help make the research process better, faster and smarter.

What is Advance Your Research?

Advance Your Research (AYR) is a series of webinars and workshops geared towards graduate students and other advanced researchers that are designed to help make the research process better, faster and smarter.  

You can also browse previous webinar recordings and workshop materials by exploring the grey tabs to the left based on type of information you're needing. 

Please provide feedback on this guide at any point by emailing Kelsey Cheshire,

Featured recordings to advance your research

Videos from the Advance Your Research workshop series can be viewed anytime from YouTube. They cover key issues for graduate students including literature reviews, research sources and strategies, data management and publishing.

Explore additional recordings for Health Sciences Webinars and Workshops @ the Workshop.