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The Clinical Inquiry Process Resource Guide

The goal of this guide is to provide nurses a resource to understand and carryout the steps of performing an evidence-based practice (EBP) project.

Building a Team.....

EBP projects or any practice change can be accomplished alone, there must be a team involved.  EBP is a team sport.  

Your team is one that should be that should be composed of people who can help to ensure that any practice change can be effectively implemented.  This most likely means that the team needs to be multidisciplinary in nature which is why it is critical that stakeholders be identified and find members of those groups who would agree to be involved in the project. 

The earlier you can get people to agree to be on the team, the easier it will be easier to implement the practice change.

Work with your Nurse Clinician and Nurse Manager to recruit your team and identify your Evidence-Based Practice coach.  

The Stakeholder Analysis Tool will be helpful in this process. 

Some suggestions of team members are:

Providers  (Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Residents, Physician Assistants) 


Occupational and Physical Therapists

Clinical Nurse III, IV or V


        Social Worker 

Your team should be no more than 6 to 8 members.

A way to recruit team members is to present your question to your unit's shared governance meeting, staff meetings, safety huddles and/or divisional practice councils to see if there is anyone interested in joining your team.  It is important to recruit and assemble an interdisciplinary team in order to enhance the knowledge and implementation of your project.