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Primary Source Research in Special Collections and Archives

Guidlines to Review

Special Collections and Archives is a little different from other spaces in the Library. In order to keep our rare and unique collections safeguarded and available to you and future researchers, please observe these guidelines.


  • Store your backpacks, bags, and other bulky items in lockers or designated areas.
  • Use pencils, laptops, and other electronic devices for your research in the Reading Room. Pencils are provided.
  • Store food and beverages in lockers or in areas designated by staff.  These items are not allowed in the Reading Room.
  • Wash hands before beginning your research.
  • Be considerate of other researchers. Turn phones and other devices to silence or vibration mode. Cell phone conversations should be conducted outside of the department.
  • Handle unique and rare materials with care. Keep them flat on your table or in cradles provided by staff.
  • Use one box/one folder at a time. Order is important in archival collections. Please maintain it.
  • Request materials at least 30 minutes before closing.
  • Ask us about photographing, scanning, or copying.  Not all items are suitable for reproduction.
  • Know we are here to answer questions about research, collections, and proper handling of materials.