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Searching for Open Educational Resources

Searching for Open Educational Resources

There is no central repository of open educational resources, which can make the process of finding the right course content tricky. That’s why the best way to start your search for open educational resources is a consultation with the OER Librarian. If you’d like to start exploring on your own, this guide can help you navigate a variety of sources to find OER. 

OER Centralized Searching

These search engines are a great place to start your OER search, especially if you're not tied to textbooks. They search a variety of OER collections, databases, and repositories to make your search a bit easier. 

Provides a centralized search of open content from 84 different sources. Created by SUNY Geneseo's Milne Library.


Mason OER Metafinder (MOM)

Provides a simultaneous search across 20 different sources of open educational materials. Created by George Mason University.

OER Repositories (including all types of OER)