Zotero is a freemium tool to store references. It has a download for organizing and attaching pdfs and can be synchronized with a Web version for times when you are away from your computer.
Accessing PubMed from the Health Sciences Library website (or clicking the link above) will allow you to view the "Get it at VCU" button from a PubMed article's Abstract page. This will give you access to VCU's subscription databases within PubMed. Also check out the National Library of Medicine's tutorial on searching PubMed for drugs/chemicals.
VCU's Reaxys subscription is now integrated with Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry. The combined interface allows users to search for compounds structurally similar to those with known bioactivity and to find synthesis routes for structure optimization.
Chemical substances and reactions, research topics, authors, and CA abstract number or patent number from CAplus, CASReact, and Registry databases of Chemical Abstracts Service.