Did you know that Health Sciences Library has anatomical models in two of its study rooms on the 2nd floor? You can reserve rooms 2-025 or 2-026 through the library's Study Room Reservations page.
The following are a selection of e-books available through VCU Libraries. Unless otherwise noted, e-books are restricted to 1 user at a time.
For printed books that you may find useful, browse section QM at the Health Sciences Library or Cabell Library. The following are some of the print books VCU Libraries has in its collection.
Please note that VCU Libraries does not endorse nor support the resources listed on this page. Questions and issues with their use should be directed to the respective vendors.
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Health Sciences Library's Special Collections & Archives houses manuscripts, artifacts, rare books, photographs, and other resources that pertain to Virginia's health sciences history, including historical anatomy materials. For details on the library's Special Collections holdings, contact the department directly at 804.828.9898 or libtmlsca@vcu.edu.
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