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Affordable Course Content Awards

Overview of the VCU Affordable Course Content Awards

Adapt: Re-thinking College Algebra

Project: Customize/remix an OER

Class: Algebra with Applications (MATH 141)

Project Team: Kristina Anthony, Ph.D., Cheri Doucette, and Hillary Cassill

Key Features

  • Course is listed as a core education course
  • Adapting the OpenStax College Algebra text and creating ancillary materials, including a workbook and Canvas course shell

Project Updates

  • Newly awarded project

Create: Marketing Principles

Project: Author an OER

Class: Marketing Principles (MKTG301)

Project Team: Jodie L. Ferguson, Ph.D. and César Zamudio, Ph.D.

Key Features

  • Creating a department-level OER- all instructors teaching the course will use this OER

  • Customizing a collection of marketing content created with the VCU student in mind that will serve as a handbook throughout their degree program

  • Leveraging the diversity of marketing subject matter faculty experts within the Department of Marketing

Project Updates

  • Newly awarded project

Adapt: Dentistry

Project: Customize/remix an OER

Class: Practice Management III (DENS730); Practice Management IV (DENS740)

Project Team: VaCora Oliver-Rainey, D.D.S

Key Features

  • Adapting an existing Small Business Management OER and adding dentistry-specific information.

  • Updating visuals to reflect diversity in all members of the dental team

  • Adding ancillary materials such as class activities and assignments

Project Updates

  • Newly awarded project

Adapt: Walking the Talk of Accessibility in Special Education

Project: Customize/remix an OER

Class: Educational Foundation for Collaboration and Universal Design for Learning (SEDP531)

Project Team: Serra de Arment, Ph.D. and Erin Kichinko-Willis, M.Ed. 

Key Features

  • Adapting currently available OERs and supplementing those sources with new original OER contributions

  • Modeling inclusive teaching practices to critically engage graduate students inaccessible learning experiences within their programs of study,

  • Increasing the representation of diverse voices and experiences in special education as key learning resources

Project Updates

  • Newly awarded project

Adapt: Health Psychology

Project: Customize/remix an OER

Class:  Health Psychology (PSYC412)

Project Team: Natalie Dautovich, Ph.D. and Morgan Reid, Ph.D. 

Key Features

  • Building on a previous OER project that was almost entirely original content. 

  • Adding socially contextualized visuals, examples, and other content that increase the book’s diversity, equity, and inclusivity

  • Including local community examples of Health Psychology from Richmond and Virginia to ensure content is relevant to students 

Project Updates

  • Newly awarded project