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COAR 325: Botanical Drawing

Finding Botanical Images

Citing Database/Website Images in APA Style

Citing Database/Website Images in APA Style

  1. References:
    1. Artist Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year). Title of the artwork [Format]. Title of the Website. URL (address of web site)
  2. References (No Author):
    1. Title of work [Type of work]. (Year image was created). Title of the Website. URL (address of web site)
  3. References (No Author, No Title, No Date):
    1. [Subject and type of work]. Title of the Website. URL (address of web site)

Database Examples:

Eickhoff D. Plumeria rubra [Photograph]. Encyclopedia of Life.

Langstroth L. & Langstroth L. (2005). Image of Clown anemonefish [Photograph]. Encyclopedia of Life.

Biodiversity Heritage Library. (2018). The botanic garden, Vol. 8 [Illustration]. Flickr.