Consolidated catalog of items held by OCLC member libraries worldwide. WorldCat FirstSearch is the subscription version of the WorldCat database, with advanced search options and result listing by number of copies available.
The Richmond Academic Library Consortium is a group of Richmond area libraries which have agreed to extend limited borrowing privileges to students, faculty, and staff of any RALC school.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Plays, Poems, and More @ VCU
General Searching. When you are looking for books by a particular author, a simple search of the VCU Libraries Search by author or title should suffice. If you want to find books that we have both by and about an author, just do a basic/keyword search.
Finding items on the shelf. VCU Libraries organizes works according to the Library of Congress classification system, and so they are arranged by subject. No one area, for instance, has "the novels" or "the plays." Instead, works of literatureare broken down by language, period, format, or related criteria. If you want to browse, the following ranges may be useful. They are all on the fourth floor of Cabell Library, arranged alphabetically by the last name of the writer within each range.
PR1-9680English literature
PR3991-5990 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900
PR6000-6049 1900-1960
PR6050-6076 1961-2000
PR6100-6126 2001-
PS1-3576American literature
PS700-893 Colonial period (17th and 18th centuries)
PS991-(3390) 19th century
PS3500-3549 1900-1960
PS3550-3576 1961-2000
PS3600-3626 2001-
Finding a Specific Item. To locate a specific book or the works of a specific author, dramatist, or poet, all you need to do is a simple search in the VCU Libraries Search, either on the "words anywhere," "author," or "title" field.
Request. You can request a copy of the book if you can't find it. You can do this by going to the item record, clicking the "Is This Item Available" link, and then clicking the "request" link.
Indexes classical and historical plays, along with the works of contemporary playwrights. Covers new editions and translations, with descriptive annotations to summarize plot and indicate musical requirements.
Primary source database focusing on underground and independent North American and European adult comics and graphic novels. Also includes interviews, commentary, theory, and criticism.