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Finding Books

Use VCU Libraries Advanced Search to look for print and electronic books in our collection.

Select 'books' as the Material Type

Change 'any' to 'in the title' and enter one to three key words that should be in the title. For example: disabilities; school counselingschool administration; higher education; education theory. This kind of search should quickly connect you with promising titles.

Note the call number, e.g., (LB1065 .P52). Books on similar subjects are clustered together, so when you reach the LB1065 area, look for other books with that beginning number.

Click on Details to see possible additional terms, e.g., subjects, contents.

Most books on education in Cabell Library are located on the 3rd floor in the L section. Use the Library of Congress Classification link below to see the number ranges for various subtopics. Click on a Subclass, e.g., LB, to open the Library of Congress outline of subjects with the corresponding call number ranges.