Depending on the project, what you are working on could be affected by federal laws regulations through any of several government agencies (FDA, CDC, EPA, OSHA, etc.) as well as by similar restrictions from state government through health departments or licensing boards. In addition, professional associations and organizations may have standards or best practices that may not be legally enfoforceable but would affect the marketability of a product. For this class, you probably won't be able to research all of the regulations that might affect your product, but you probably can find the prominent standards and regulations that you should be aware of.
Possible terms
regulations standards laws rules requirements guidelines
One of the most effective ways to limit Google searches to useful results for research is to limit your search to particular websites or domains. Interested in finding only material originating from or related to academia? Search .edu domains. Only want to find information from government sources? Search .gov domains. Restricting to a domain can help you find government regulations or guidelines (.gov) or information from professional organizations (.org). Tired of seeing advertisements. Search to indicate sites NOT in the (.com) domain.
water resistant definition
...finds information about definition of water resistance from government sites.
equipment sterilization
...locates information the American Dental Association's site on equipment sterilization, and with the ease of Google searching.
wheelchair stability
...locates information on wheelchair stability, excluding all of the wheelchair sales sites that have .com URLs.