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English Language Program (ELP) Students

Library resources for ELP students of all levels

Welcome to VCU Libraries!

In this guide, you will learn how to:

Helpful information about Cabell Library

Cabell Library is located in the middle of campus. Here is some additional important information about the library:

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How to Reserve a Study Room

Want to study with your friends away from the noise of the library? You can reserve a group study room or a room just for yourself. Here's how:

  1. On the library's website (, there is a link at the very top to "reserve a study room"
  2. When you click on that link, you will see a pop-up box that lets you choose your favorite library, either James Branch Cabell Library on the Monroe Park Campus, or the Health Sciences Library on the medical campus. Click the library where you want to reserve a room.
  3. You will see all the study rooms and when they are available to reserve. You can change the date to look for rooms in the future.
  4. Click on the box for the room and time you want and follow the instructions. 
  5. That's all! You will receive an email confirmation with the details. 
  6. You can go to the room you have reserved and use it. There is no need to stop at the service desk first, and there is no key. 
  7. If people are in the room you reserved, just let them know that you have reserved the room. They will leave and find another place to study. 

If you have any questions, come to the Information Desk in the lobby of Cabell Library, or the service desk in the Health Sciences Library, and we can help you.