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Browsing for Linguistics Titles

One effective way to find linguistics titles in print is simply to go to the shelf in the area of the library where the relevant material is located. Because our library is organized by subject according to Library of Congress Classification, you will find related materials grouped together.

If you want to browse large areas of the shelves, you may wish to consult the Library of Congress Classification Outline. Print materials having to do with Linguistics are located primarily on the 4th floor of Cabell Library and are broken down as follows:

P1-1091 - Philology. Linguistics
P1-85 - General
P87-96 - Communication. Mass media
P94.7 - Interpersonal communication
P95-95.6 - Oral communication. Speech
P98-98.5 - Computational linguistics. Natural language processing
P99-99.4 - Semiotics. Signs and symbols
P99.5-99.6 - Nonverbal communication
P101-410 - Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar
P118-118.75 - Language acquisition
P121-149 - Science of language (Linguistics)
P201-299 - Comparative grammar
P301-301.5 - Style. Composition. Rhetoric
P302-302.87 - Discourse analysis
P306-310 - Translating and interpreting
P321-324.5 - Etymology
P325-325.5 - Semantics
P326-326.5 - Lexicology
P327-327.5 - Lexicography
P375-381 - Linguistic geography
P501-769 - Indo-European (Indo-Germanic) philology
P901-1091 - Extinct ancient or medieval languages 

Encyclopedias, guides, and dictionaries about these subjects are located on the 1st floor of Cabell Library in the reference collection.


E-books can be found via the VCU Libraries Search. Here are a couple e-books collections that may also be of use to search.

Not @ VCU

If you can't find the book that you want at VCU, try these resources to find what you need.