If you can't find the book that you want at VCU, try these resources to find what you need.
Dissertations may be useful for finding criticism on newer authors or specialized topics, and the bibliographies of recent dissertations can often provide a wealth of new sources.
One effective way to find scholarly monographs about authors is simply to go to the shelf in the area of the library where the author's works are located. Because our library is organized by subject according to Library of Congress Classification, you will find related material like interviews, criticism, and biographies near the author's works.
If you want to browse large areas of literature and literary criticism on the shelves without looking for a particular author, you may wish to consult the Library of Congress Classification Outline. Materials having to do with Language and Literature are Class P, and they are located on the 4th floor of Cabell.
Google Books provides full-text access to many books in the public domain or out of copyright, and partial access to others. If you can't find the book you want at VCU Libraries, get it via RALC, or order it through ILL, try here.