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VCU Libraries Publishing Fee Support

This guide provides information for VCU authors about journal publishing fee support. VCU Libraries and VIVA, Virginia’s academic library consortium, have agreements with some publishers that provide full coverage or discounts for publishing fees.

American Chemical Society (ACS)

Open access article publishing charges (APCs) for American Chemical Society (ACS) journals are covered by VIVA (Virginia's academic library consortium) from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026.


  • Article eligibility is based on the manuscript acceptance date.
  • A VCU author must be listed as the corresponding author of the article.
  • The agreement covers articles published in all ACS hybrid/transformative journals, the Au suite of journals (gold open access), and the gold open access journal ACS Omega. 

There are currently four ACS journals (listed below) that are currently excluded from all ACS publishing agreements because the APC is either being covered by the journal or because authors may apply for an APC waiver. Please see individual journal websites for details on waivers.

Author Instructions

Authors must identify themselves as affiliated with VCU and select the open access publishing option during article submission. Full ACS author instructions are linked below.

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Open access article publishing fees for all Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) journals, magazines, and proceedings are covered by VIVA (Virginia's academic library consortium) from October 1, 2021 to December 31, 2027. However, books and book chapters are not included.

Author Instructions

  1. VCU author must be listed as the corresponding author, both in the submission system and in your manuscript.
  2. Corresponding authors must use their VCU email address and list Virginia Commonwealth University as their institutional affiliation.
  3. Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication, corresponding authors will receive a link to the ACM Open Author eRights platform via email from the journal editor.
  4. Corresponding authors can select "Institutionally Paid Open Access / Permissions Release" from the available rights offerings.
  5. Upon selection of the ACM Open OA option, authors are asked to select their choice of Creative Commons license.
  6. Following submission of the eRights form, authors will receive email confirmation of the form's acceptance along with a copy for their records. 

Cambridge University Press

Coverage of publishing fees for open access articles published in certain fully open access journals or subscription journals with an open access option (hybrid journals) are covered by VIVA (Virginia's academic library consortium) from January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025. Please see the link below for the Cambridge University Press open access waiver tool that provides a full list of eligible journals.

Author Instructions

  1. VCU author must be listed as the corresponding author, both in the submission system and in your manuscript.
  2. Corresponding authors must use their VCU email address and list Virginia Commonwealth University as their institutional affiliation.
  3. Articles must be original research. Article types eligible for coverage are research articles, review articles, rapid communications, brief reports and case reports.
  4. Articles must be accepted for publication on or after January 1, 2023.
  5. Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication, corresponding authors should choose the open access publishing option and select their choice of Creative Commons licenses.
  6. Authors will receive instructions from RightsLink (a Copyright Clearance Center platform) to request article funding. Once your publishing fee coverage has been approved, you will receive an email confirmation.

De Gruyter

VCU's subscription to De Gruyter journals includes coverage of article publishing fees for VCU-authored articles published in hybrid open access journals. Fully open access journals are not eligible for coverage.

Author Instructions

  1. VCU author must be listed as the corresponding author, both in the submission system and in your manuscript.
  2. Corresponding authors must use their VCU email address and list Virginia Commonwealth University as their institutional affiliation.
  3. Monitor your email inbox. Once your article has been accepted for publication, you should receive an email confirming that VCU will cover the publishing fee. If you do not receive confirmation of this, or if you are asked to pay, please contact Hilary Miller at

International Water Association (IWA)

Open access article publishing fees for IWA journals listed below are covered by VIVA (Virginia’s academic library consortium) from January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025. 

A VCU author must be listed as the corresponding author of the article. Corresponding authors must use their VCU email address and list Virginia Commonwealth University as their institutional affiliation.

Journal Eligibility

Subscribe to Open Titles:

  • Aqua (0003-7214; 1605-3974)
  • Journal of Hydroinformatics (1464-7141; 1465-1734)
  • Journal of Water and Climate Change (2040-2244; 2408-9354)
  • Journal of Water and Health (1477-8920; 1996-7829)
  • Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development (2043-9083; 2408-9362)
  • Water Policy (1366-7017; 1996-9759)
  • Water Practice & Technology (1751-231X; 1751-231X)
  • Water Quality Research Journal (1201-3080; 2408-9443)
  • Water Science & Technology (0273-1223; 1996-9732)
  • Water Supply (1606-9749; 1607-0798)

Gold Open Access Titles:

  • Blue-Green Systems (2617-4782)
  • H2Open Journal (2616-6518)
  • Hydrology Research (0029-1277; 2224-7955)
  • Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination (2220-1319; 2408-9370)

Author Instructions

IOP Publishing (Institute of Physics)

Open access article publishing fees for most (but not all) IOP journals are covered by VIVA (Virginia’s academic library consortium) from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025.

A VCU author must be listed as the corresponding author of the article.

Journal Eligibility

  • Publishing fees for American Astronomical Society (AAS) journals cannot be included in IOP transformative agreements at this time.
  • All fees related to open access on eligible articles are covered; other charges such as page or color charges are not included and will continue to be charged to authors. 

Author Instructions

Open Library of the Humanities

The Open Library of Humanities (OLH) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal platform for the humanities. OLH journals do not charge any author fees because their costs are covered by an international consortium of supporting institutions, including VCU Libraries.


Article publishing fees for articles published in all PLOS journals, including the interdisciplinary journal PLOS ONE, are covered by VCU's institutional partnership with PLOS through December 31, 2026.


Author Instructions

  1. VCU author must be listed as the corresponding author in the submission system.
  2. Corresponding authors must use their VCU email address and list Virginia Commonwealth University as their institutional affiliation.
  3. Within the submission system, navigate to the "Additional Information" section, and scroll to the "Publication Fees" section.
  4. Select "My institution will fully or partially pay the fee as a member of the PLOS Institutional Account Program."
  5. Select "Virginia Commonwealth University" from the drop down menu. Once you make this selection, no further action is required.
  6. If you have any issues with publication fee coverage, contact

Rockefeller University Press

Open access article publishing charges for articles published in Rockefeller University Press (RUP) hybrid journals are covered by VIVA (Virginia's academic library consortium) from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2025. 

Author Instructions

  1. Choose from one of RUP's three hybrid journals: Journal of Cell Biology (JCB), Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM), and Journal of General Physiology (JGP). To qualify, the article must be accepted for publication between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2023.
  2. VCU author must be listed as the corresponding author, both in the submission system and in the manuscript. 
  3. Upon submission of manuscripts, corresponding authors will be asked to validate their institution; Virginia Commonwealth University must be indicated as the author's institution.
  4. Upon acceptance, articles will be published open access under a Creative Commons CC-BY license, directly deposited to PubMed Central (PMC) and subsequently to Europe PMC, and archived in LOCKSS/CLOCKSS and Portico.

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

VCU's subscription to Royal Society of Chemistry journals includes coverage of article publishing fees for up to 18 VCU authored articles published in hybrid open access journals each year. RSC classifies all of their journals as hybrid, except their fully open access journals (also called "gold open access journals") and Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP). These journals are not eligible for coverage, but fully open access journals are eligible for a 15% discount on article processing charges.

Author Instructions for Hybrid Journals

  1. VCU author must be listed as the corresponding author, both in the submission system and in the manuscript.
  2. Corresponding authors must use their VCU email address and list Virginia Commonwealth University as their institutional affiliation.
  3. When the article is accepted for publication, do not sign the standard publishing license. Instead, choose and sign either the CC BY or CC BY-NC open access license.

Author Instructions for Fully Open Access Journals

Fully open access journals (also called gold open access journals) are eligible for a 15% discount on publishing fees.

  1. VCU author must be listed as the corresponding author, both in the submission system and in your manuscript.
  2. Corresponding authors must use their VCU email address and list Virginia Commonwealth University as their institutional affiliation.


Open access article publishing charges (APCs) in Springer hybrid open access journals are covered by VIVA (Virginia's academic library consortium) beginning January 1, 2024 and continuing through December 31, 2025.


  • BioMed Central journals and fully open access journals are not covered by this agreement.
  • Article eligibility is based on the manuscript acceptance date.
  • A VCU author must be listed as the corresponding author of the article.
  • The agreement covers the following article types: original paper, review paper, brief communication, and continuing education

Author Instructions

At the time of submission, corresponding authors should use their VCU email address or input their institutional affiliation when prompted. After an article is accepted for publication, authors will receive an email to complete the publication process. At that time, they will again be prompted to confirm their VCU affiliation and should subsequently receive confirmation that their article is eligible for coverage.


Open access article publishing fees for fully open access Wiley journals and subscription journals with an open access option (hybrid journals) are covered by VIVA (Virginia’s academic library consortium) through December 31, 2027. 


  • Coverage is limited to open access publishing fees. Page charges and other additional charges are not covered by the agreement.
  • A VCU author must be listed as the corresponding author of the article.
  • VIVA will approve requests where the corresponding author is a student who graduated within the last two years and has at least one valid co-author with a current affiliation with a VIVA institution. This only applies to the Wiley agreement, not other publisher agreements.
  • If you have grant funds that can be used to cover publication costs, VIVA asks that you use these in lieu of requesting VIVA funds for your publication.
  • Funding is covered for original research articles, review articles, and case reports in Wiley journals. To determine eligibility for other submission types, see the spreadsheet linked below.

Author Instructions for Hybrid Journals

  1. Choose from one of Wiley's hybrid open access journals (subscription journals with an open access option). To qualify for coverage, manuscripts must be accepted for publication after January 1, 2022.
  2. Once your article is accepted, login to Wiley Author Services. Under "My Articles," look for your article and click "Manage Article." Look for a message confirming your eligibility and click "Select Open Access."
  3. If prompted, confirm your affiliation with Virginia Commonwealth University.
  4. When your request is approved, you will receive a confirmation email, and your article will be published open access under a Creative Commons license on Wiley Online Library. 

Author Instructions for Fully Open Access Journals

  1. Choose from one of Wiley's fully open access journals. To qualify for coverage, manuscripts must be submitted after January 1, 2022.
  2. When you submit your article to Wiley's manuscript submission system, select the payment option that says "The Corresponding Author's institution/funder has an agreement with Wiley." Then, look up and enter VCU’s account code when prompted. 
  3. When your request is approved, you will receive a confirmation email, and your article will be published open access under a Creative Commons license on Wiley Online Library.