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Create an ORCID ID to make your research more visible! Affiliate your ORCID with VCU to make it easier for colleagues to find your publications! This guide talks about how and why to set up your ORCID.

The Libraries now have a more extensive SciENcv walkthrough guide for Biosketches (and Current & Pending/ Other Support) documents, which goes beyond ORCiD integrations. Please visit our Biosketch Guide if you are looking for more detailed SciENcv information.

Help files on how to add your ORCID to eRA Commons are also available. ORCIDs must be in eRA Commons profiles of senior and key personnel on RPPRs and proposals starting May 25, 2025 (per NOT-OD-24-163)

Links to videos and resources

There are many detailed help pages and videos on the ORCID/SciENcv integration process. Here are some of the best:

Handouts and guides from other institutions

Looking for different approaches to walkthroughs? Here are some other institutions' approaches to walking you through ORCID, my NCBI, and SciENcv.