These article databases contain high-quality scholarship in Religious Studies. You may also wish to use the VCU Libraries Search to locate materials on your topic, as it covers many different fields of study and includes peer-reviewed scholarship.
Searchable backfiles of core journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. (Backfiles end typically 3 - 6 years prior to the current date).
Provides bibliographic records to journal articles, book reviews, and essay collections in all fields of religious and theological studies, with access to full-text articles and book reviews in the AtlaSerials full-text journal collections.
Full-text journals covering central topics in theology and philosophy research, including world religions, denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, and history of philosophy.
Multi-disciplinary database providing indexing, abstracts, and full-text access for thousands of peer-reviewed journals and periodicals, among other materials. Covers science, social sciences, mathematics, engineering, and many other subjects.
Also known as NewsBank, provides access to major national and international newspapers, local and regional titles, blogs, and more. Historical and current content, including the Richmond Times-Dispatch archive from 1903 to present.
Indexing and abstracts for articles, essays, reviews, and original creative works in all aspects of the humanities, with full-text for select journal articles, books, and other materials. Includes all data from the Humanities International Index.
Full text for major national and international newspapers, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Times (London). Also includes full-text radio and television news transcripts.
Bibliographic database for women's studies and feminist research, providing indexing and abstracts for publications in many disciplines including sociology, history, international relations, and humanities.