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Biosketches and CPOS in SciENcv

This Guide is about how to use myNCBI's SciENcv for the 2024 common forms (Biosketches and the Current, Pending, and Other Support report) new formats for NSF and NIH.

Certifying and downloading

The most important thing to know about certifying and downloading your Biosketch and CPOS pages is:

After downloading your certified Biosketch or CPOS page, do not attempt to edit it. Upload it directly to your proposal without making any changes.


Once the Biosketch or CPOS is complete, you have two options: you can view a draft version to be certain it looks right, or you can Certify and download.

Screenshot of certification section. Each senior personnel must certify or recertify the statement each time they download.

The draft version will be watermarked as a draft. The draft cannot be submitted in a grant proposal. Delegates cannot certify for the PI. When the PI or other senior or key personnel is ready to certify, they can click Download PDF. It will prompt them to agree with the legally-binding certification statement. After certifying, the PDF will download. This should be uploaded without edits.

Some computer arrangements can make invisible changes to PDFs when viewing them. If you need to check the accuracy of the document, it is recommended that you do so with the View Draft function. Any changes made after downloading the certified PDF will affect its compatibility with the / submission process.

If the personnel who owns the Biosketch/CPOS need to make edits or changes, they must make them in SciENcv and then re-certify and download a new copy.