Provides reviewed clinical reference material including drug information, dosing, and brief summaries of conditions and management options. Available off campus with personal account registered while on campus.
App for iOS and Android devices (register account on campus for access to the app)
Evidence-based, peer-reviewed information on complementary and alternative medicine treatments. Includes evaluation of therapies for specific conditions, herbs and supplements, and diet therapies.
The primary source of research articles in biomedical and health sciences fields. Includes more than 24 million citations for case reports, cohort studies, randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and guidelines.
Google's search engine of scholarly literature. Searches full text of documents and ranks them by publishing journal, author, and how often and how recently they have been cited.
Skin of color reference photos for dermatological conditions. Go to the conditions drop down menu to select from head and neck, chest, abdomen, upper limb, and lower limb.
Psychiatry portal that features the full-text of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), textbooks, journals and Guidelines from the American Psychiatric Association.