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Geriatrics and Gerontology

Consumer Info

  • Alliance for Aging Research
    'Citizen advocacy organization for improving the health and independence of Americans as they age'.
  • Explore Health - AARP Webplace
    Wellness, caregiving, health insurance, health legislation, hospital directories, Medicare and nursing home information links.
    Up-to-date information for consumers on health and aging... based on resources that the American Geriatrics Society has developed for its professional members.
  • InfoAging
    American Federation for Aging Research website providing links to research-based information on a wide range of age-related diseases, conditions, issues, and news tailored for a non-medical audience.
  • MEDLINEplus Seniors' Health (General)
    Provides links to current news, clinical trials, nutrition, statistics, legislation, and organizations pertaining to seniors' health as well as specific aging-related conditions.
  • National Institute on Aging (NIH) 

The website for this NIH agency lists science-based information on health and aging and Alzheimer's. Also includes research news and funding opportunities.