CDC Data &
There is a wealth of public health data and statistics on
this page. Access FASTSTATS
A-Z -
an alphabetical listing of statistics on topics of public health
importance, Health, United
States (HUS) -
the annual report on trends in health statistics, Health-E
Stats -
a Web-only release of selected statistics and Vital Records.
FedStats - A "one-stop shopping center" for statistics from more than 70 U.S. federal agencies. The site includes a search function as well as an alphabetic index and a list of contacts for questions on statistical content.
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) - Public Health Data Warehouse with a number of health data including NHANES, NHCS and SLAITS. Many files and publications are available electronically. This site is only one example of the statistical information available from the federal government - be sure to check out the FedStats site listed above for numerous other sources.
CDC Wonder - From the Centers for Disease Control, CDC WONDER is "a general-purpose public health information and communications system. CDC WONDER provides query access to about 40 text-based and numeric databases. Numeric databases can provide, for example, the numbers and rates of sexually transmitted diseases, cancer cases, or deaths in the United States. Users can request data for any disease and demographic group, by submitting ad hoc queries against available data sets."
The Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation Office of Minority Health
Covers topics such as Medicaid, Medicare, Insurance, HIV/AIDS, Prescription Drugs, State Policy, Access to Care and Racial Disparities. Provides daily health reports as well as weekly health disparities reports. Sign up for email alerts on Health Disparities news on this page.
The Disparities Solutions Center
The Disparities Solutions Center (DSC) at Massachusetts General Hospital is composed of a multidisciplinary group of health policy experts, health services researchers and physicians. DSC is dedicated to the development and implementation of strategies that advance policy and practice to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in health care.
National Alliance for Latino Health
A non-profit organization that focuses on improving the health and well-being of Hispanics. As the nation’s action, advocacy, and research forum for Hispanic health, they push for health care reform that creates the best outcomes for all, ensure accountability, and inform and mobilize consumers.
Minority Health Resource Center
Minority Health information and data for families and practitioners.
Geographic Information Services (GIS)
VCU Libraries owns many spatial and numerical data sets, most of which are produced by the Federal government on CD-ROM or a similar format. Use the VCU Libraries Catalog to search the collection. Search tip: You may want to use the Advanced Search option and limit the format to Computer Software to find the majority of these data sets.
RefShare Health Disparities Sites collection
An extended searchable folder of book, journal and web sites, some of them are mentioned in the Resource Guide. These resources can be downloaded to your citation manager.
Healthy People 2020
Information to help keep a community healthy plus a healthy disparities link that will let you compare the Top 10 Causes of Death across Populations.