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AHLP 890 Dissertation Seminar

This is a companion research guide for the ALHP 890 Dissertation Seminar. Students can find library materials listed here that correspond to the learning modules in Blackboard.

The American Psychological Association Guide 7th Ed.

VCU Libraries has updated its holdings to include the new 7th edition of the American Psychological Association's (APA) Style Guide. Review the link below to see the full record for the volume. The library currently has 3 copies available: 1 copy in the Health Sciences Library Course Reserves; 1 copy in the Health Sciences Library Reference Section; 1 copy in the James Branch Cabell Reference Section. Reference items can not be checked out.

How to Cite in APA 7th Edition: An Overview

The following videos will help you see examples of properly formatted citations in the APA format. These videos are provided courtesy of the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). The full playlists the OWL's YouTube channel.

Avoiding Plagiarism

The information provided in these pages will help you avoid plagiarism and format your word processor document according to the APA 7th edition style guide. Be sure to review the Overview to the Avoiding Plagiarism guide in the Purdue OWL website and the Cite My Sources and Avoid Plagiarism research guide (the first link in this list).

Relevant Guides and Resources

Below is a list of resources from guides the library has created on writing and citing research. In the "Citation Tools" guide, you can review details on the citation tools supported by VCU Libraries: Mendeley, Zotero, and EndNote. All provide plugins that will help you format your citations as you write your paper. If you need assistance with any of these tools, please contact the librarians listed in the "Citation Tools" guide. The "Citation Styles" guide includes information on the most used styles, and the "APA Style" links to a page in the "Citation Styles" guide that focuses on the APA format.