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VCU Libraries subscribes to many local, national and international newspapers, and provides access to many other news resources which are available to students, faculty, and staff at no charge.

Create your free New York Times account

You can access the New York Times in several different ways as a VCU student, faculty, or staff member.

  • VCU students, faculty and staff can activate their free NYT Academic Pass account by starting at the New York Times. Once activated, the student academic pass is valid through their year of graduation; faculty and staff passes are valid for 4 years, and can be renewed. This academic pass allows access from on and off campus.
  • The New York Times is part of the Dow Jones Factiva collection and their content can be accessed through this database as well.

If you have questions about accessing the New York Times, contact VCU Libraries at

Create your free Washington Post account

The Washington Post covers local, national and global news, national security and politics, business, technology, arts and entertainment, health and medicine, and sports. Opinion columnists focus on politics, economics, culture, and global concerns. When connected to the VCU campus network, users can go directly to and receive full content access without having to log in. However, to save articles, subscribe to newsletters, use the app, or to access articles when off the campus network, VCU students, faculty, and staff can create a free Washington Post account with their VCU email to activate individual subscription access.

Create your free Chronical of Higher Education account

You can access The Chronicle of Higher Education from off-campus with your VCU eID and password.

  1. From the link above, you will be prompted to login using your VCU eID and password.
  2. After you login, you will see The Chronicle homepage with the words "Site License Access Provided by Virginia Commonwealth University" in the top left corner. 
  3. To the left of the "Site License Access" notice is a magnifying glass icon which opens the Chronicle search box. You can apply filters to refine the results of your search, including date, category, and author.

Create your free Wall Street Journal account

Register for a free account by visiting and sign in using your VCU eID and password. This national daily newspaper provides access to news, commentary and analysis with an emphasis on business and financial news. VCU students, faculty and staff can also access articles, videos, podcasts, and daily newsletters.