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Literature & Leisure Reading

Browsing the Shelves: Fourth Floor (Language & Literature)

One of the most pleasurable ways to find new books is simply to browse the shelves. Here's the trick: most fiction is found on the 4th floor of Cabell Library at call numbers that begin with P. There are thousands and thousands of books in there, so you might want to browse in a general area that sounds interesting. Class P is big, and it's worth looking through the linked PDF to get an idea of how it is arranged. If you want to go wander around for a while, here are some starting points for readers who want recent fiction and poetry in English (criticism and biographies of authors and poets):

English Literature

PR3991-5990 19th century, 1770/1800-1890/1900
PR6000-6049 1900-1960
PR6050-6076 1961-2000
PR6100-6126 2001-

American Literature

PS991-(3390) 19th century
PS3500-3549 1900-1960
PS3550-3576 1961-2000
PS3600-3626 2001-

map showing location of PR and PS on the fourth floor of Cabell Library.

Browsing the Shelves: Third Floor (YA & JUV)

In addition to browsing on the fourth floor, consider browsing the third floor to find YA and Juvenile fiction. These collections contain both classics and new favorites.

Map of third floor of Cabell Library, pointing to area of YA and Juvenile fiction.

VCU Libraries Resources

These electronic resources either contain the full text of works or contain links to get to the full text via Get It @ VCU.