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FASH 303: Design Theory and Illustration

APA Citation & Business Resources

The standard APA guides (see Citation Styles and Guides) will help with articles and other standard sources, but some common business resources are not covered well, and you may not find many examples or specific guidelines.

"References for works from proprietary databases are similar to journal article references. The name of the database or archive is written in italic title case in the source element, the same as a periodical title, and followed by a period. After the database or archive information, also provide the DOI or URL of the work. If the URL is session-specific (meaning it will not resolve for readers), provide the URL of the database home page or login page instead."
From Databases with original, proprietary content, APA Style Blog

Here are some examples that will help:


  • Reference List Citation
    • Lastname, F. M. (Publication date). Title of Report. Site Name. Retrieved from Month Day, Year, from URL
    • Publisher/Database. (Publication date). TItle of Report. Site Name. Retrieved from Month Day, Year, from URL
  • In-Text Citation
    • (Author, Year) - author given
    • (Database, Year) - no author given



  • IBISWorld
    IBISWorld usually identifies the individual analyst who prepared a report, so that info should be included.
    • Hurley, M. (2017). IBISWorld Industry Report 44812. Women's Clothing Stores in the US. IBISWorld. Retrieved October 3, 2017, from

    • (Hurley, 2017)

  • Mintel
    Mintel usually identifies the individual analyst who prepared a report, so that info should be included.
    • Rogers, L. (2014). The premium brand and luxury consumer. Mintel. Retrieved February 14, 2014, from

    • (Rogers, 2014)

  • WARC
    Mintel usually identifies the individual analyst who prepared a report, so that info should be included.

    • Hulme, N. (2021). Marketing to a new breed of Gen Z beauty consumers, WARC. Retrieved August 26, 2021, from

    • (Hulme, 2021)

  • SimplyAnalytics
    Since you are generating original reports, create a descriptive title based on the type of data used
    • SimplyAnalytics (2017). EASI/MRI Consumer Expenditure Data 2016. Retrieved February 17th, 2017, from

    • SimplyAnalytics (2017). SimmonsLOCAL data. SimplyAnalytics. Retrieved February 28, 2017, from

    • (SimplyAnalytics, 2017)


Lastname, F. M./ Publisher. (Publication date). Title / description of graphic [Graph/Table/Infographic, etc].Title of report. Site Name. Retrieved from Month Day, Year, from URL

  • Mintel
    • DeSalva, Alexis (2020, January). Shopping behavior, by gender and age, November 2019 [Chart]. Luxury Fashion-US.  Mintel. Retrieved February 18, 2020, from

For more help, the following guides (developed by librarians) provide additional examples and tips for common business sources. They are all just examples and they may not necessarily all agree, so use what works best for you (and your instructor) and be consistent.