Most of the sources in this guide contain some financial information for the companies they cover, but the following sources allow for more in depth analysis.
Detailed business and financial information on US and international public companies. Provides 15 years historic data and financial ratios. Includes Investext Snapshot.
Please note that this resource will go away on June 30, 2025. After that use Mergent Market Atlas to access this content.
Investment information and analysis on companies, industries, stocks and bonds, mutual funds, and dividends. Includes industry surveys, stock reports, and bond guides, among others.
Overview of businesses including data summaries by neighborhood, city or state and by type or size of business. Good resource for locating small companies, industry data, revenue and competition listing.
Comprehensive, full-text up-to-the-minute news and business source from Dow Jones and Reuters. Includes national, international, and regional newspapers, both current content and archives, periodicals, podcasts, newswires, and more.
Specialized resources
We also have databases that cover companies in specific industries.