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Library Ebooks as Course Materials

Requesting a purchase from VCU Libraries

If the library does not have an ebook you need for a class you are teaching, you can request that VCU Libraries investigate the purchase of the title using the following form: 

Please note in the "Reason this item should be purchased" field that you will be using this book as course material.

When requesting a purchase, please keep in mind: 

  • The request does not guarantee the library will purchase the book. We will do our best to meet requests, but a number of factors help determine which books we purchase, including availability as an unlimited user ebook.
  • We will try our best to expedite the process--especially given the current push to move courses online--but please note that purchasing the books is not instantaneous. Depending on staff workloads, it may take a week or longer from the date of the request to when the ebook is added to our collection.
  • All requests must meet VCU Libraries Collection Guidelines (linked below), which does not include traditional textbooks.

Requesting upgrades

If the library already owns an ebook but it does not meet the recommended guidelines for use in courses (e.g. limited number of users), please complete the above form or contact your subject specialist librarian or the Open Educational Resources Librarian.  We will investigate the possibility of an upgrade to unlimited users for the ebook, following the considerations listed above.