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Health Administration

Using the VCU Libraries Collections

As a distance education student at Virginia Commonwealth University, you have access to many library resources available through the VCU Libraries. Make sure you start at the Health Sciences Library Website to access the library's collection.  Log in with your VCU eID and password to access:

  • Databases - including CINAHL, LexisNexis, Business Source Complete, etc.
  • Journals - electronic access to materials such as Milbank Quarterly, Medical Care, Health Policy and Planning, etc.
  • Books - search our catalog for print and electronic books for business administration to clinical practice
  • Research Guides - chosen resources to find the best information quickly

If you are having problems with your VCU eID and password, please contact VCU Technology Services.

To access Journal Articles:

  • Use the Get-it @ VCU button from any of our databases.
  • Most of our journals are available electronically and you will be able to access them from your home or office.
  • If VCU owns an article only in print with no online access, you are able to request the item be copied and emailed through Interlibrary Loan.
  • If VCU does not own a journal, you can request the article be copied and sent to you electronically.  
  • For more information about this service, please view the short video titled "Interlibrary Loan" to the right.

To access Books:

  • You are able to check out VCU materials at the library or have it sent to you in the mail for free if your address is outside of the metro Richmond area.  Use this guide to determining your eligibility for service. 
  • If VCU does not own the material, you can request materials through Interlibrary Loan.

If you have any questions about the library, please contact Talicia Tarver or the HSL Research and Education Department at

Interlibrary Loan

VCU Libraries collects materials useful to its researchers, but no library can purchase everything.  Fortunately, the VCU Libraries participates in programs that allow us to borrow materials from other libraries, at no cost to you.  If you have found something through the VCU Libraries Search, a database, or even Google, and VCU does not have access to the full text, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan. This service is free to all VCU members, and materials can be sent to your home or office at no cost to you.

Read more about managing your account, including renewing and cancelling requests.