Publishes critical and theoretical articles, reviews of artists' books and exhibitions, and commentary on conferences and and other book art-related activities. JAB also regularly showcases creative work in the form of artists' statements and artist-designed pages and covers.
A peer-reviewed e-journal for book artists and book binders from 2004-2012. In addition to scholarly articles on book art topics, this resource also contains helpful instructions for making different types of books and bookbinding.
A comprehensive online quarterly from 1978-2008 covering the arena of artists’ books, art books and other multiple editions, including audio and new media.
International index to articles in hundreds of design and craft journals. Also contains data on designers, craftspeople, studios, schools, workshops, and firms.
Searchable backfiles of core journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. (Backfiles end typically 3 - 6 years prior to the current date).