In a two-part set of episodes, Nia and Aughie talk with Eric Johnson about the opportunities to see national parks in every state in the union. The first episode focuses on the legislation that brought the National Park system into being. In the second episode, Eric explains the details of visiting the parks.
Aughie and Nia welcome Dr. Pattie Sobczak to discuss the National Zoo. Topics range from the history of the Zoo, to the basics of planning a visit, and Panda Diplomacy.
Dr. Kristine Artello joins Nia and Aughie for an episode about the National Gallery of Art. The discussion covers the basics of visiting the galleries as well as Jazz in the Garden, the chequered history of Andrew Mellon's involvement, and a note about visiting art where you live.
Aughie and Nia welcome back Eric Johnson to discuss James' Smithson's gift to the United States, the funding for "an Establishment for the increase & diffusion of knowledge among men." The first episode covers the early funding of the Nation's Attic. The second episode covers the personalities involved in the early years, and the basics for planning a visit to the Smithsonian Institution.