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High School Students, Teachers and Librarians

Information on services for high schools in the Richmond area

Borrowing Materials

Your school needs to be a participant in our borrowing program. Your school librarian or media specialist is the coordinator; please contact them directly to find out if you are eligible.

When borrowing materials, the borrower will receive an email with the title of each item borrowed as well as the due date for each. We will also send a courtesy email reminder 3 days prior to the due date and another the day the books are due. 

High school borrowers are allowed one renewal for an additional 28 days. To renew a book the student may call Cabell Library at 804-828-1111 before the due date. You can also use text, chat, or email; full details on the Ask Us page. 

The base replacement fee for lost books from the collection of Cabell Library is $80 plus a $10 lost item processing fee, and for books from the collection of Health Sciences Library, it is $150 plus a $10 lost item processing fee. If a book is returned after being labeled as lost, the replacement fee is removed, however, the non-refundable processing fee of $10 for each lost/returned item and the maximum overdue fine of $10 for DVDs.

DVDs and CDs are subject to overdue fines at the rate of $1 per day. DVDs and CDs will be considered lost 4 days after the due date.

Conducting Your Research at VCU Libraries

VCU Libraries has an abundance of resources - so many it may seem overwhelming. Take your time, remember that research is a process, you'll find what you need with some patience and practice.

If you need help while you are on campus, feel free to drop by the first floor Information Desk. Our staff is happy to assist you. 

Don't forget, your high school librarian is a GREAT resource for all your research needs!

Printing and Scanning

Printing services are no longer available for library guests, though library staff may be able to courtesy print one or two pages for our guests. Check at the Information Desk in the lobby of Cabell for more information.

Scanners on the first floor are available for guest use at no charge. 

On-Campus Wireless

Access to most electronic resources are available via the VCU Guest Wireless. For full details, review the details on this pdf.

Cabell Library Floor Designations

Lower Level, First and Second Floors: Collaborative study, normal conversations allowed
Third Floor: Quiet study; whisper only, no audible headsets, no cell phone conversations
Fourth Floor: Silent study; no talking, no audible headsets, no cell phone conversations

Library Computers

For one-hour per day, anyone with a current school or academic ID may use our guest computers to access our online resources. Space permitting, high school students can also use student computers in Cabell Library on Saturdays, when Cabell Library staff can log them in for an extended basis; this access is for academic research use only.