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The Clinical Inquiry Process Resource Guide

The goal of this guide is to provide nurses a resource to understand and carryout the steps of performing an evidence-based practice (EBP) project.

Reporting Results & Dissemination - Place on Diagram




  • Completed through the development of an action/project management plan. 
  • Gather pre-intervention data


  • Put the plan into action and implement the change on a pilot basis. 


  • Gather the post-intervention data and evaluate the success of the practice change


  • If the practice change is successful in the pilot, must plan to make it a permanent change. 
  • If practice change was unsuccessful, discuss lessons learned and determine what adjustments could be made in order to make a change to change practice. 
  • Disseminate results of the project both inside and outside of the organization. 

Stop Point 6: Discuss Progress with Your EBP Mentor/Advisor


Before moving on, meet with your mentor/advisor concerning your question.  The purpose of this meeting is to ensure that your question and path forward are one that will allow you to be successful.  Do not move forward before your mentor/advisor sign off on the meeting sheet.