Updated: March 29, 2018
Sources of Potential Clinical Questions
When it comes to clinical inquiry, the question is the key, as it provides the initiative or project with direction, helps to tell the story, and will ultimately bring focus to your searches. There is not just one source for questions; a question can arise from many different places in the healthcare environment. Below is a diagram listing some of those sources for questions. Keep in mind when it comes to questions that it does not have to come from a single source but could come from a combination of sources.
Hospital or Unit Goals:
These goals are established because they address areas or issues identified by the organization. This could be due to metrics/benchmarks not being met or through other means.
Aligning any clinical question with these goals/priorities is advisable, as it enhances the likelihood of obtaining buy-in from other stakeholders and securing resource support.
VCU Health FY 2023: Quality, Safety and Service Priorities |
Old Goals - Need to Change
The quality of healthcare and nursing care is determined through metrics that enable organizations to benchmark or compare themselves with others. If the data indicates that certain aspects of patient care or the organization are not meeting identified benchmarks, it is a clear indication that action needs to be taken. These are the areas where benchmarks are not being met.
If you are unsure about the indicators of nursing quality, they are listed below:
Your comprehensive guide to the press ganey national database of Nursing Quality Indicators (Ndnqi). (2023, January 12). https://info.pressganey.com/press-ganey-blog-healthcare-experience-insights/your-comprehensive-guide-to-the-press-ganey-national-database-of-nursing-quality-indicators-ndnqi |
Has there been a situation in your unit related to patient care that was not as safe as needed? Alternatively, are you observing any other issues in the work environment that make it less than ideal?
Is there anything on the unit that is making patient care more challenging or increasing stress?
Is everyone on your unit, as well as on other units, following the same procedures with the same patient populations or groups? If not, the variations in practice present an opportunity for some form of clinical inquiry, grounded in evidence.
While conducting chart reviews, are you noticing any recurring issues related to patient care?
Are you discovering any new, evidence-based interventions in the literature that could help address an issue you are currently facing on your unit?
It may be easier to discuss these questions as part of a group to facilitate ideas. Can bring to your unit's shared governance committee or discuss it during unit staff meetings.
OHSU Clinical Inquiry Council. (2015). Oregon health & science university - evidence-based practice toolkit for nursing. Retrieved from http://libguides.ohsu.edu/ebptoolkit