Still having trouble thinking about your elevator pitch? Consider one of these options:
Reference/tertiary sources on your topic. Sources such as encyclopedias and handbooks will provide brief descriptions of important events, people, and theories on your topic. To find reference sources:
1. Search for your general topic (e.g., 'Irish step dance') in the VCU Libraries Search (gold bar)
2. Select Material Type from the right sidebar
3. Click Show More
4. Click the left checkbox for Reference Entries
Literature reviews are articles which compare, contrast, and summarize the seminal research on a topic. Systematic reviews are similar, and are used in medical disciplines. To find literature and systematic reviews:
Search for your general topic (e.g., 'sex trafficking') + either 'literature review' or 'systematic review' in the VCU Libraries Search.
Your elevator pitch is your research story. Learn more about creating your research story:
The design process:
Printing your poster: