The Open Educational Resources Librarian can provide assistance assessing your OER and share additional local examples of surveys.
Before beginning the assessment of your OER, you should consider what factors you wish to study and what data collection method will be needed to assess those factors. For example, if your research question is...
If you are assessing your resource purely for your own purposes, you do not need to obtain IRB approval. However, if you are interested in publishing and/or presenting the outcomes of your assessment, you will likely need to apply for IRB approval. Contact VCU IRB for more information.
Most research on OER impact assessed OER based on factors in the COUP Framework as set out by the Open Education Group: cost of education, student success outcomes, patterns of usage of OER, and perceptions of OER.
These resources can help faculty assess the impact of their OER usage:
Cost savings is often an important part of calculating the impact of your resource. Cost savings, or cost avoidance, is the amount of money students will avoid spending by using your OER instead of a commercial textbook.
To calculate cost savings, you will need to know:
Cost Savings for 1 semester = (number of sections) x (average number of students per section) x (cost of book being replaced).
Cost Savings for 1 semester = (cost of students using the OER that semester) x (cost of book being replaced)
Add up each semester's savings for cumulative savings over time. You do not need to adjust the cost of the book, even though the price might change at the bookstore.
The OER Adoption Impact Calculator allows users to estimate the impact of their OER use on both student cost savings and other relevant calculations such as course throughput rate and additional tuition revenue from increased enrollment intensity.